hi i'm rar! i write a lot of fanfic and scream about video gamesmostly i scream about: literally an incomprehensible assortment of my AUs or favorite characters / AU dynamics. lol. lmao.oft-posted fandoms: ffxiv, super mario, kh, xc2, loz,
& tales of (symphonia/abyss/rays)
(i specifically love all of these fictional characters)sometimes i translate things from JPN>ENG!!
You Will Know Our Names
a ToSymphonia fic

When Colette, Sylvarant's captive Aegis, escapes and ends up in Lloyd's hands, it's up to him to keep her away from a war-hungry government. Or, up to him, the dad he just found out he had, several old friends, and Colette's brother Aegis, Zelos.Meanwhile, Mithos puts together his plans to save bladekind.(A Xenoblade Chronciles 2 fusion AU that explores unlikely character dynamics, how familiar characters interact to new situations, and a few roleswaps)
YWKON is a series deconstructing XC2's blade system by exploring the ways blade+driver relationships work... and don't.At this point about 50% of it is Symphonia focused and the other 50% is JadeMythra focused, but you can read about JadeMythra here - this part is about the Symphonia section.At its heart, it's a story about family, freedom, and saving yourself from a world that would sooner use you than love you.Featuring fun things like:
- Anna Irving is alive and well!
- Martel and Colette bodyshare for the entirety of the first installment!
- Martel and Mithos both live!
- Characters coping with their trauma!
- Reincarnation shenanigans????
- This family tree is a fucking nightmareThe main (Symphonia) portion is now finished, but I also keep adding Tales / Xenoblade characters to it in prequel/sequel side stories LMAO....
a Kingdom Hearts fic

The Riku Replica is saved from certain death by a mysterious stranger, who takes him to a parallel universe where there was never a “real” Riku in order to give him a second chance at life.It’s a story about recovery. It’s a story about family. It’s a story about living, choosing to live, even when living feels like the hardest thing anyone’s ever asked of you.
FtPverse is an 8-year, 1mil words project that's a love letter to Repliku which quickly spiraled out of control. [holds my kids up] please understand i love them so muchsome highlights:
- you get a trauma recovery arc! and YOU get a trauma recovery arc! and YOU get a--
- narratives focusing on choosing your own path rather than following predetermined destiny bullshit
- i loved the concept of the replica program so much it is not only a major theme but also there are just 50 rando replicas bumming about as major and minor npcs LMAO. if you like replicas, Well!
- despite everything, i still gave kairi more screentime than nomura ever did
- gay enemies to friends to lovers plotline
- repliku! specifically! healing! from! his! trauma!! and getting to live!!!!
- also he gets adopted by aerith please understand it is Extremely so good
don't you worry child
a multifandom crossover fic

Something is threatening the multiverse, and so Rosalina sends out a distress signal. The heroes who answer the call aren't quite who she was expecting, but Alvis insists each of them are here for a reason, even though he refuses to tell anyone what that reason is.Largely a long study in character interaction as each team of 3-5 characters from various fandoms travel towards whatever the hell their goal is while getting yanked thru the timespace continuum.
DYWC is, as it says on the tin, a multifandom crossover focused on character interaction between unlikely character matchups, SSBB Subspace Emissary style.Matchups including but not limited to:
> Jade Curtiss and Shadow the Hedgehog
> Dave Strider and Malos Xenoblade
> Mithos Yggdrasill and Anna Irving forced to get along (granted they're both from an AU, but still)
> Two Kratos Aurions
> Xenoblade Aegis siblings getting to both work with each other AND see their mom. neat!Also the entire FtPverse main cast is here, as are a good portion of YWKON characters, so if you're a fan of either series you should read at LEAST the bits with them involved lol.
emotional support bastards

art by @AntlionArt
YWKON offshoot that's just about Jade and Mythra because i adore them. and like, the major part of YWKON itself is finished lol. so this is where my brainworms live now.often called "soup", is not one fic but several, and honestly is just shorthand for jademythra posting,,,the major themes of their relationship are. it's just two bastards who love* each other, ride or die, lovingly hassle each other into being better people, etc, etc, etc,also, you know, abuse survivors learning to cope with their trauma and leaning on each other thru it all(*platonically, of course)
ffxiv rewrite
self indulgent bullshit, primarily

i have yet to give this a snappy name, but to make a long section short, it's just a rewrite of XIV with mine and aera's wols lol. wait i already said that. and i said the bit about minfilia living, huhwell! that's the fic! self indulgent nonsense about being a 1.0 wol and coping with not being the only wol when you return, with a side of learning to rely on other people instead of just doing this yourself like you did last time aroundand we rescued mythra from xc2 and she's here to baffledly be the other wol and learn to stop running away from her mistakes!!! love that for heradmittedly i am barely working on writing this but i do post headcanons to twitter a lot and also do gposes. lol.

my Special Interest(tm) is writing fanfic so i have A Lot and post about them A Lot. here's a cheatsheet, click a name to be taken to Broader Information about each
- SOUP: (sometimes 24.8), ywkon universe but i'm just writing about jade curtiss and mythra xenoblade 2. they're emotional support bastards, your honor. i love them.
- YWKON: tales of / xenoblade 2 au where i take xc2's blade system and slap it on tales characters, primarily symphonia. symphonia section finished. soup hours now.
- FtPverse: a long kh au series primarily about repliku living and healing from his trauma, Among Other Things. finished, but i think fondly back on it from time to time. addendum: repliku goes by riku in this for reasons so ftp riku = repliku. since i will tweet that without context sometimes
- FFXIV rewrite: i'm rewriting xiv with mine and aera's wols who are anna irving and mythra xenoblade 2, respectively. featuring: minfilia lives, mythra gets a coherent character arc
- DYWC: think super smash bros brawl's subpsace emissary, but with all my favorite characters, and ample time to sit around and just kind of Feelings Jam. focuses primarily on fun character interactions / introspective bs
- mario fic??: no page, i just have a lot of thoughts about paper mario and about bowser that i write every now and then LMAO. read here.
you can also find all the fic promos i've posted on twitter here!

i translate things from JPN>ENG!!mostly right now you can catch me translating stuff from the mobile tales game tales of the rays as i work my way through it. you can find my totrays translations hereall other translations go here, though i'll occasionally tweet shorter things as wellif you want to pay me to translate, or just want to donate to support my efforts, check out my ko-fi!
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Abridged Text LP)

KH Days is an incredible game! It's perhaps my favorite installment in the series. There is also no comprehensive let's play / whatever of the DS only version on youtube. (There is this text lp of the game, but it's full of spoilers up front, and I can't speak for it's quality becuase I haven't read it.)(Update: Everglow has a DS only playthrough, and I made my own! But still.)This makes it very hard to share Days with someone who's new to the series, so I had to take matters into my own hands. I've created an abridged text "LP" of the game that skips all irrelevant missions but covers every single moment that's important to the main plot.> You can read it here. <> Alternatively, download it here. <Disclaimer 1:
This isn't really a traditional text LP, because I didn't play the game rn and none of the footage is my own, but the idea is the same.Disclaimer 2:
This was written specifically for my friend who has no knowledge of KH other than KH1 and CoM. Though I am sharing it with you all, she is my intended audience, which affects how I present a lot of things (especially the intro of the document).Disclaimer 3:
"What's so wrong with the movie ver???" 1) It doesn't cover the full game, 2) the script is objectively way worse than the original. see this tweet and this tweet (the latter contains spoilers) for script change examples that especially bother me.
(someone else listed other glaring changes - still spoilers - here)
Other Projects
-> Tales of Symphonia ENG text / JPN voice playthrough
-> Tales of Symphonia alternate / missable scenes
-> Kingdom Hearts for beginners! Lore writeup and abridged retellings of every game!
-> KH 358/2 Days Abridged Text LP
-> KH 358/2 Days Youtube Playthrough DS ONLY
-> Tales of the Rays translation resource doc since translations for this game exist but are scattered varios places
-> Tales of the Rays plot summary (extremely wip)
-> I typed up what my textbooks said on confusing Japanese structures and put them in a gdoc
-> I translated the Dist intro quest from Tales of the Rays
-> I took 1600 screenshots of Mythra in Super Smash Bros
-> Mythra bot that tweets one of those screenshots a day
-> FFXIV gpose portfolio
-> gpose twitter
hyperfixation rotation

sike!!!!!! it's mythranna all the way down
however, here's some other strong contenders

three four big faves

they make me go :)